Conquering the “Access Denied” Beast: A Step-by-Step Guide to MariaDB, SSL, Symfony 7, and Docker
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Conquering the “Access Denied” Beast: A Step-by-Step Guide to MariaDB, SSL, Symfony 7, and Docker

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Access denied for user ‘app_ssl’@’’ (using password: YES)” error when trying to connect to your MariaDB database using Symfony 7 and Docker? Well, fear not, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of setting up a secure MariaDB connection using SSL, Symfony 7, and Docker.

What You’ll Need

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, make sure you have the following ingredients in your toolbox:

  • Docker installed on your system
  • Symfony 7 project set up and running
  • MariaDB installed and running (either locally or on a remote server)
  • A basic understanding of Docker, Symfony, and MariaDB (don’t worry, we’ll cover the basics as we go)

Step 1: Generate SSL Certificates for MariaDB

In this step, we’ll generate the SSL certificates required for encrypting the connection between your Symfony 7 application and the MariaDB database.

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout mariadb-ssl-key.pem -out mariadb-ssl-cert.pem -days 365 -subj "/C=US/ST=State/L=Locality/O=Organization/CN=localhost"

This command generates a self-signed certificate and private key for MariaDB. You can adjust the parameters as needed (e.g., changing the country code or organization name).

Step 2: Configure MariaDB for SSL

Now that we have our SSL certificates, let’s configure MariaDB to use them.

# Enable SSL/TLS connection

# Enable SSL/TLS connection for clients

Update your MariaDB configuration file (usually my.cnf or my.ini) with the above settings, specifying the paths to your generated SSL certificates.

Step 3: Create a Docker Compose File

Create a new file named docker-compose.yml in the root of your Symfony 7 project:

version: '3'
    image: mariadb:10.6
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=app_database
      - MYSQL_USER=app_ssl
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=password
      - ./mariadb-ssl-key.pem:/etc/mysql/ssl/mariadb-ssl-key.pem
      - ./mariadb-ssl-cert.pem:/etc/mysql/ssl/mariadb-ssl-cert.pem
      - "3306:3306"

This Docker Compose file sets up a MariaDB container with the required environment variables and volumes for SSL certificates.

Step 4: Update Your Symfony 7 Configuration

In your Symfony 7 project, update the config/packages/doctrine.yaml file:

    url: '%env(DB_URL)%'
    driver: 'pdo_mysql'
    server_version: 'mariadb-10.6.4'
    charset: utf8mb4
      charset: utf8mb4
      collate: utf8mb4_unicode_ci
    auto_generate_proxy_classes: true
    naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore_number_aware
        is_bundle: false
        type: annotation
        dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity'
        prefix: 'App\Entity'
        alias: App
config/packages/env.yaml file:

  DB_URL: 'mysql://app_ssl:[email protected]:3306/app_database?sslmode=REQUIRED'

Make sure to update the DB_URL parameter with the correct IP address and port number of your MariaDB container.

Step 5: Run Docker Compose and Test the Connection

Run the following command in your terminal:

docker-compose up -d

This command starts the MariaDB container in detached mode.

Now, try to connect to your MariaDB database using the Symfony 7 application:

php bin/console doctrine:database:create

If everything is set up correctly, you should see a success message indicating that the database has been created.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues during the setup process, check the following common pitfalls:

  1. SSL Certificate Issues: Make sure the SSL certificates are generated correctly and the paths are specified correctly in the MariaDB configuration file.
  2. MariaDB Container Issues: Verify that the MariaDB container is running correctly by checking the Docker logs or running docker-compose exec mariadb mysql -u root -p to access the database directly.
  3. Symfony 7 Configuration Issues: Double-check the doctrine.yaml and env.yaml files for any typos or incorrect settings.
  4. Network Connectivity Issues: Ensure that the IP address and port number specified in the DB_URL parameter are correct and accessible.


By following these steps, you should now have a secure MariaDB connection using SSL, Symphony 7, and Docker. Remember to adjust the settings according to your specific needs and environment. Happy coding!

Resource Link
Symfony 7 Documentation
MariaDB SSL Certificates
Docker Documentation

Remember to bookmark this article for future reference, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you encounter any issues during the setup process. Happy coding, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with MariaDB, SSL, Symfony 7, and Docker? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot that pesky “Access denied” error.

Q: What’s the deal with the “Access denied” error?

A: The error “Access denied for user ‘app_ssl’@’’ (using password: YES)” typically indicates a permission issue with your MariaDB user. Make sure your app_ssl user has the necessary privileges to access the database. Double-check your GRANT statements and verify that the user can connect from the specified host (

Q: Is there a problem with my Symfony 7 configuration?

A: Possibly! Symfony 7 has a specific way of handling database connections. Check your `doctrine.yaml` file to ensure that the `ssl` option is set to `true` and that the `server` and `username` values match your MariaDB configuration. You can also try setting the `default_database` option to the name of your database.

Q: Does Docker have something to do with this issue?

A: Yes, Docker can play a role in this error! If you’re using Docker to run your application, ensure that the container has the correct network settings to connect to your MariaDB instance. Check your `docker-compose.yml` file to verify that the `network` and `ports` settings are correctly configured.

Q: What about SSL certificates? Are they involved in this issue?

A: Ah, SSL certificates! Yes, they can be a culprit here. Make sure your SSL certificates are correctly configured and trusted by your MariaDB instance. You may need to generate a new certificate or update your MariaDB configuration to use the correct certificate. Check your `mysqld.cnf` file and verify that the `ssl-ca`, `ssl-cert`, and `ssl-key` options are set correctly.

Q: What’s the best way to troubleshoot this issue?

A: To troubleshoot this issue, try to isolate the problem by testing your MariaDB connection using a tool like `mysql` or `phpmyadmin`. Check your Docker logs for any errors related to database connections. You can also enable debug logging in your Symfony application to get more detailed error messages. And, of course, double-check your configuration files to ensure everything is set up correctly!

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