How do I hide generated files in a PR on GitHub?
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How do I hide generated files in a PR on GitHub?

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Are you tired of cluttering your GitHub repository with unnecessary files generated during the build process? Do you want to keep your codebase clean and focused on the essentials? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the ways to hide generated files in a Pull Request (PR) on GitHub, making your life as a developer easier and more organized.

Why hide generated files?

Generated files, such as compiled code, cache files, or log files, are often necessary for the build process, but they can clutter your repository and make it harder to maintain. By hiding these files, you can:

  • Reduce noise and clutter in your repository
  • Focus on the essential code changes in your PR
  • Improve code review and collaboration
  • Enhance the overall sanity of your codebase

Methods to hide generated files

Luckily, GitHub provides several ways to hide generated files in a PR. We’ll explore three methods: using .gitignore, .gitattributes, and excluding files in the GitHub UI.

Method 1: Using .gitignore

The most common method to hide generated files is by using a .gitignore file. This file tells Git which files or patterns to ignore in your repository. To hide generated files using .gitignore:

# Create a new .gitignore file or edit the existing one
echo "generated/file1.txt" >> .gitignore
echo "generated/file2.txt" >> .gitignore
echo "generated/*.log" >> .gitignore

Add the file patterns or specific file names you want to ignore to the .gitignore file. In this example, we’re ignoring files with the .txt extension and log files in the generated folder.

Method 2: Using .gitattributes

.gitattributes is another file that can be used to specify attributes for files in your repository. We can use it to hide generated files by setting the `export-ignore` attribute. To do this:

# Create a new .gitattributes file or edit the existing one
echo "generated/file1.txt export-ignore" >> .gitattributes
echo "generated/file2.txt export-ignore" >> .gitattributes
echo "generated/*.log export-ignore" >> .gitattributes

Add the file patterns or specific file names you want to ignore to the .gitattributes file, followed by the `export-ignore` attribute. This will hide the files in the PR.

Method 3: Excluding files in the GitHub UI

If you don’t want to edit files in your repository, you can exclude files directly in the GitHub UI. To do this:

  1. Go to your GitHub repository and click on the “Code” tab
  2. Click on the “New pull request” button
  3. Select the branch you want to create a PR for
  4. In the “Files changed” section, click on the “_excluded files” link
  5. Click on the “Add file” button and enter the file pattern or specific file name you want to exclude
  6. Click “Save and continue” to create the PR

In the GitHub UI, you can exclude files by adding them to the “Excluded files” list. This will hide the files in the PR.

Best Practices for Hiding Generated Files

When hiding generated files, it’s essential to follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls:

  • Use a consistent naming convention: Use a consistent naming convention for your generated files to make it easier to ignore them.
  • Be specific with file patterns: Avoid using broad file patterns that might ignore essential files. Be specific with your file patterns to ensure you’re only ignoring the files you intend to.
  • Review your .gitignore and .gitattributes files regularly: Regularly review your .gitignore and .gitattributes files to ensure they’re up-to-date and not ignoring essential files.
  • Communicate with your team: Communicate with your team about which files are being ignored and why. This ensures everyone is on the same page and can review the PR effectively.


Hiding generated files in a PR on GitHub is a crucial step in maintaining a clean and organized codebase. By using .gitignore, .gitattributes, or excluding files in the GitHub UI, you can focus on the essential code changes and improve code review and collaboration. Remember to follow best practices when hiding generated files to avoid common pitfalls. With these methods and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to a clutter-free repository and a more efficient development workflow.

Method Advantages Disadvantages
.gitignore Easy to set up, flexible, and widely supported CAN be cumbersome to maintain, especially for large repositories
.gitattributes More flexible than .gitignore, allows for more complex patterns Less widely supported, can be confusing for beginners
Exclude files in GitHub UI Easy to set up, no need to edit files in the repository Only available for GitHub, not a long-term solution, and can be forgotten in the PR creation process

By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each method, you can choose the best approach for your specific use case. Remember, hiding generated files is just one step in maintaining a clean and organized codebase. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of those auto-generated files cluttering up your GitHub PR? Want to know the secrets to hiding them from prying eyes? Well, you’re in luck! Here are the top 5 questions and answers on how to hide generated files in a PR on GitHub:

Q1: Can I use .gitignore to hide generated files in a PR?

A1: Nope! .gitignore only ignores files locally, not in a PR. But don’t worry, we’ve got a better solution for you. Use a .gitattributes file or a git update-index command to hide those pesky files!

Q2: How do I use .gitattributes to hide generated files?

A2: Easy peasy! Add a line like this to your .gitattributes file: `generated_file.txt export-ignore`. This tells GitHub to ignore the file in your PR. Just make sure to commit the changes to your .gitattributes file!

Q3: What’s the difference between export-ignore and assume-unchanged?

A3: Good question! Both flags hide files, but `export-ignore` is for PRs and `assume-unchanged` is for your local repo. Use `export-ignore` for PRs and `assume-unchanged` for your local files. Think of it like a permission system – one for GitHub, one for your local machine!

Q4: Can I use a global .gitattributes file to hide generated files?

A4: Yes, you can! Create a global .gitattributes file in your Git configuration directory (usually ~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git). This way, you can set global rules for all your Git projects!

Q5: What if I accidentally committed generated files? Can I remove them?

A5: Oops, it happens! In that case, you can use `git rm –cached` to remove the files from your Git index. Then, add them to your .gitattributes or .gitignore file to prevent them from being committed again. Phew, crisis averted!

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